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Unwhelming Social Media: Where to begin?

Join The Reel Sarah, social media strategist, as she shares the basics of social media for your business and brand. She’ll cover topics like developing your social media pillars (did you even know there was such a thing?), post schedule, setting realistic expectations, and how to get traction on different platforms.


Sarah is that girl who won’t let her friends eat the pizza until she’s taken a video.

She used to avoid technology like kids avoid greens, but then took a job in marketing and decided she should just embrace all things social media and marketing and do it well.

After a few years, she realized she wanted to work with more people to harness the power of social media and is now a full-time social media coach!

August 19

Unwhelming Self-doubt: How to gently hush your inner asshole

October 14

Unwhelming the Harvest: Lessons from a farmer